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Submissions to DHP main catalog: Open Reading Period is August 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024. 


Details & Instructions:




1: Your manuscript does not need to be about dogs.

2: Submit poetry manuscripts of up to 60 pages, plus TOC and credits.  Don’t worry if your collection is on the short side. We value quality over quantity!

3: One poem per page.  (A poem can take more than one page, of course.)

4: 12 or 14 point Garamond or Times Roman font, black ink.

5: No images, graphics, etc. Please also keep line length to what can fit comfortably on a standard poetry book page size.

6: Include a credits page at the end of the manuscript for any published poems included in the collection.

7: The collection as a whole or in significant part must not have been published in any form previously.

8: Submit your manuscript in PDF format only, and only by email.


How to submit:


First, send your reading fee (one fee per manuscript) via PayPal to and be sure to state the title of your manuscript in your paypal notes to us.

Second, email your manuscript as a PDF attachment to . Please include a cover letter with your author’s bio.


Submission Deadline:  August 1, 2024

Reading Fee per manuscript: $21 (non-refundable)




Q: How many manuscripts will be selected from this reading period?

A: There is no set number. Our interest is in finding the most compelling manuscripts available. It could be one, two, or more. It’s also possible, though we hope otherwise, that it could be none.  We seek high quality writing that keeps us looking forward to the next page; we are not driven by publishing quotas.  


Q: What keeps you looking forward to the next page?

A: Every collection is different, but generally, we hope that every poem in a manuscript is crisp, memorable, and clearly belongs in the collection. We discourage authors from adding filler poems just to make the manuscript longer; we find filler poems tend to dampen interest.


Q: Is this a contest?

A: No. However, any book chosen from this reading period will be published as part of our Distinction series, and marked as such.


Q: Who makes the selections?

A: J. P. Dancing Bear and C. J. Sage are the readers for this reading period.


Q: Can part of my manuscript have been published previously as a chapbook or similar?

A: It depends on how much of the manuscript was in the published chapbook.  If most of it, then no.  If a small portion, then probably yes.


Q: Can I choose the design?

A: DHP designs its books in-house, including selection of the cover art.


Q: Will you provide feedback on my work?

A: If you’d like suggestions on your work, you may include the manuscript consultation fee along with your reading fee when you submit.  The standard manuscript consultation fee is $425, which covers suggestions for improvements on all portions of the manuscript on which the editor feels would benefit. If you want feedback on every poem in the manuscript, please contact us to discuss a fee commensurate with your feedback needs.


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